Apply for a senior mental health lead training grant data collection has now closed. If you need any further assistance, contact us using the Customer Help Portal (opens in new tab).

Apply for a senior mental health lead training grant

The Department for Education (DfE) is offering grants of £1,200 to eligible schools and colleges (settings) to pay for senior mental health lead training.

The grant must be used to pay for DfE quality assured training. This training will provide a senior mental health lead in your setting with the knowledge and skills to implement and sustain a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing (opens in a new tab).

You should apply if:
  • your setting is ready to develop or implement a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing
  • you have a senior lead available to start the training by 31 March 2025

Individual settings within a single or multi-academy trust must apply separately. This includes distinct institutions with a campus ID that are part of a larger further education college.

State-funded settings are eligible for a grant if they receive:
  • ESFA pre-16 revenue
  • high needs block
  • 16 to 19 programme funding

Learn more about eligible settings (opens in a new tab)

Before you apply, you'll need: